elobau has been climate-neutral since 2010, which means that all elobau products are also produced in a climate-neutral way. We are quite proud of this, because climate-neutral industrial companies are currently still a rarity.
As a company, we strive to be climate neutral in the future. Therefore, we have been recording, questioning and optimising our emissions since 2010. As a result, we have been able to reduce our emissions by 26.8% in the period from 2010 to 2019*. Nevertheless, we still produce emissions that cannot be avoided. We compensate for these according to the Gold Standard.
*2020 is not a useful reference year due to the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Climate-neutral production
Cradle to Gate – Climate-neutral along the entire value chain
To achieve this, in addition to direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1 & 2), we record and offset all emissions that occur along the value chain of our products (Scope 3). Non-avoidable emissions are compensated through Gold Standard reforestation projects.
Energy-plus building
An important building block for the company’s climate neutrality is working and producing in energy-plus buildings. In addition to the toolmaking facility in Probstzella and Plant 2 in Leutkirch, its extension is also built in such a way that the building generates more energy than it consumes. This is why both buildings (Plant 2 and its extension) have already been awarded the Federal Prize of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
- 1.000 Soccer fields of rainforest in Costa Rica *Our compensation of 8,000 t CO₂ corresponds to an annual CO₂ storage capacity of approx. 700 hectares of reforestation in the tropics.
- 31.000 MWh generated electricity through renewable energies
- -2.700 t CO₂ per year
- 100 % Green electricity fewer C0₂ emissions -34 % since 2009 (Scope 1-3) *Through green electricity, biogas, alternative vehicle drives, Bicycle leasing
120 % Electricity quota
7 PV systems and the PV ground-mounted system generate more electricity than we consume in balance terms - 67000 kWh Green charging current for hybrid/e-cars
We certify according to the standards of the common good economy
Every two years, we have our processes externally audited and evaluated. The results allow us to compare ourselves with other companies. This enables us to see where we stand in comparison and in which areas we want to develop further.
You can find the current report on the common good economy here.