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Climate neutral since 2010

Sustainability at elobau

We report according to the standards of the common good economy

Our path to sustainability

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021



Creation of a master plan with the goal of CO2 reduction // Development of a climate balance sheet



Purchase of 100% green electricity // Acquisition of a solar park // First certification according to ISO 14001 (environmental management) // No fossil fuels for heating purposes


Visionswald in Costa Rica

elobau becomes a partner in the Vision Forest in Costa Rica // Move to a sustainable credit institution


Fahrzeugflotte von elobau

Launch of the elobau e-vehicle fleet // Support for the plant-for-the-planet campaign


Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau

First year with balance sheet electricity surplus // Certification according to ISO 50001 (energy management) // Energy-Plus new building wins award for ecologically trend-setting construction of commercial properties


Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau

Job bike // Company car directive (CO2 limit/SUV ban) // First sustainability report (DNK)



Second energy-plus building // Specially programmed energy monitoring


Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau

Toolmaking in Thüringen moves into third energy-plus building // Nomination for German NH Award // Membership in the Gemeinwohlökonomie // elobau becomes a foundation company


Modulare Armlehne 225 MA midi Kampagnenmotiv

Newly developed modular armrest MA225 made of 70 % bio-based plastic // Mobility tracking of employees


Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau

Opening of an organic canteen // Publication of the second Common Good Economy Balance Sheet (GWÖ)


Sheddach Seitenansicht der Erweiterung von Werk II

Extension of plant 2 as an energy-plus building in timber construction // Conversion of the energy and environmental management system to EMAS


Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau

Eco-Design Study // Life-Cycle Assessment // Third GWÖ Balance // Kick-Off Sustainable Customer Classification


Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau

Analysis of the supply chain until Tier-n // Fleet policy, no fossil fuels // Focus on recycled materials

What does sustainability mean for us in real terms?

We are a foundation company firmly established in the region. With this background, we feel compelled as a company to assume responsibilities that go far beyond our immediate areas of commercial operation. When we talk about sustainability, we mean three main areas: economy, ecology and social responsibility.

Our current understanding of sustainability envisions an equal emphasis on ecology, society and the economy. Over the long term, a reduction of CO2 emissions only involves a slow-down of progressive climate changes. Physical laws dictate that we cannot draw more resources from nature than nature can replace. For our Vision 2030, we, therefore, view ecology as a cornerstone of responsible social and corporate action. Social stability requires an intact ecological system. And social stability is a prerequisite for economic activity. Our Vision 2030 therefore seeks to prioritise sustainability. We intend to communicate this only after comprehensive and effective implementation, although our individual decision-making process is already founded on this precept.


Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau

Preparation of our sustainability report and common good balance sheet 2022

We used the first elobau Common Good Report with ECG Standard 5.0 as the basis for the third report. The report was drafted and developed jointly in a cross-department project. The project took approximately 400 hours of work.

Sustainability report elobau 2022 | PDF 7 MB

  • Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau
    8.000 t CO2 compensated
    1,000 football fields of rain forest in Costa Rica *Our compensation of 8,000 t CO2 corresponds to an annual CO2 storage capacity of approximately 700 hectares of reforestation in the tropics.
  • 1.300.000 km Green mileage since 2016 Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau 31 times around the earth *On foot, by bicycle, public transportation or as a passenger
  • -2.700 t per year lower CO2 emissions
  • Since 2010 Carbon-neutral production
  • 80 % energy ratio *Excluding car fleet. Green electricity and gas from offal 100% green electricity
  • Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau elobau foundation
    60 social engagement projects
  • Sustainability | Means making a serious effort | elobau 31.000 MWh of produced electricity 10 years – 1.000 households

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bauma 2025
