Loud engine noises, flashing warning lights, various displays as well as a hectic and dusty working environment. Such conditions challenge and stress both the acoustic and visual sensory channels. For operators of mobile machines, this is usually part of everyday life. They are exposed to many noises and visual impressions, all of which need to be filtered and processed. This makes it increasingly difficult to concentrate on the actual work and safe handling of the machine. The elobau tactile feedback for the Robust Joystick J4F breaks new ground here. It appeals to the tactile senses of the machine operator and thus offers an additional level of perception for safe and more precise control of mobile machines.
Tactile Feedback by elobau
SENSEful innovation – fewer mistakes, more efficiency
The tactile senses use the surface sensitivity of the skin, such as touch and sensation. So far, these senses have rarely been addressed in the context of human-machine interaction. However, they offer great potential for optimising traditional, audio-visual concepts in order to increase efficiency and safety in the operation of mobile machines.
Our new tactile feedback focuses precisely on this potential for optimisation. With the help of certain vibration patterns, high-quality tactile feedback can be generated, which makes man-machine communication more efficient. The information to be transmitted can be significantly increased compared to simple punctual tapping signals. Thanks to the vibration effects, operation becomes even more intuitive. This not only shortens learning and reaction times, but also reduces the risks associated with operating errors. The increased operating comfort supports persistent and concentrated work and thus also contributes to safe operation.

Variable vibration patterns for individual communication with the machine
The vibration patterns that can be used in communication with the operator are versatile and configurable. The vibration motor is controlled by an electronic module via the CAN bus. Manufacturers can define different parameters such as strength, duration or number of vibrations via the CAN protocol and thus create individual vibration effects that are adapted to the application and, above all, intuitive. The vibration module is compatible with the Robust Joystick J4F as well as the modular armrest 225MA midi and is integrated into the multi-function handles 361G/362G and 341G/342G.
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