The State Minister for the Environment, Climate and Energy Management Franz Untersteller visited elobau on 26 March to personally hand over the environmental award. Back in December 2020, elobau was awarded the Environmental Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg for industrial companies with more than 250 employees. State Minister Untersteller presented the trophy and certificate to Michael Hetzer, founder of the elobau Foundation and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the ensian-group, and Patrick Löw, Sustainability Manager at elobau, in a small ceremony at elobau’s offices.
The award presentation was preceded by a virtual award ceremony in December. This took place during a festive event hosted by Minister-President Kretschmann and State Minister Untersteller in the White Hall of the New Palace in Stuttgart. In his congratulatory speech, Untersteller praised elobau as a pioneer among companies in Baden-Württemberg, which is also exemplary beyond the state borders. The prize money of € 10,000, will be invested in further environmental protection projects. This is the second time that Mr Untersteller has personally honoured elobau. Back in 2014, elobau was named the winner in the Energy Excellence category by the state of Baden-Württemberg.

The jury based its decision, among other things, on elobau’s long-standing commitment to climate neutrality – elobau has been producing climate neutrally since 2010. The increase in energy efficiency, the sustainable generation of electricity with renewable technologies as well as the recording of commuting distances for employees were also included in the decision. Untersteller highlighted the innovative use of bio-based plastics as well as the evaluation of suppliers according to their environmental compatibility.