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Federal UMWELT & BAUEN Award 2021 for elobau

elobau receives the prestigious Federal Award 2021 for the extension of Plant II. The jury honours the energy-plus building in timber construction at the award ceremony in the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in Berlin.

Together with F64 Architekten from Kempten, we have received a further award. The expansion of our Plant II in Leutkirch was awarded the Federal UMWELT & BAUEN prize by the jury on 7 September. Not only because the energy-plus building is made of wood, but also because the entire building concept takes the environment and the employees into account.

The environment, since the energy-efficient building generates more energy than it consumes thanks to the combination of photovoltaics, a heat pump and effective natural daylight. And also the employees, because the daylight input, the timber construction and also the acoustics of building sections 3 and 4 are intended to contribute to a sense of well-being. The “ecological” and “social” dimensions of our understanding of sustainability were in focus here from the very beginning.

The Federal ENVIRONMENT & BUILDING Award was created to bring together showcase projects that will serve as inspiration for future building owners. For this purpose, successful projects are awarded in different categories and made accessible online for all interested parties. After the great response to the first Federal Award in 2020, the Federal Award was offered again in 2021. In addition to the HolzbauPlus Award, the extension of our Plant II has received its second award.

The livestream

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elobau receives the UMWELT & BAUEN award. The video starts automatically at the section of the appreciation of elobau. (only available in German language)

About the Federal Award

The entries submitted are intended to motivate interested and committed building owners to develop and implement sustainable solutions for their building projects in the field of renovation or new construction together with their planners.

The award ceremony of the Federal Award UMWELT & BAUEN 2021 with Parliamentary State Secretary Florian Pronold took place on 7 September 2021 at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in Berlin. The award winners are honoured in video portraits on the website of the Federal Environment Agency together with their building managers, architects and other planners involved.

The Federal UMWELT & BAUEN Award is presented by an interdisciplinary jury of experts in architecture and planning, representatives from science and research with a focus on the environment and building, and other independent experts.

The project as a video

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The jury

Dr. Lilian Busse
Vice President Federal Environment Agency

Prof. Dr.-Ing Natalie Eßig
Department of Building Climatology at Münch University of Applied Sciencesen

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annette Hafner
Chair for Resource Efficient Construction at the Ruhr University Bochum

Dr. Robert Kaltenbrunner
Head of Department II “Building and Housing” at the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development

Johannes Kreißig
Managing Director DGNB e.V. / Managing Director DGNB GmbH

Dipl.-Ing. Jasna Moritz
Architect, Partner at kadawittfeldarchitektur





Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christa Reicher
Chair and Institute for Urban Planning and Design at RWTH Aachen University

Florian Pronold
Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge
Natural Building Lab, Constructive Design & Climate Adaptive Architecture an der TU Berlin

Dr. Burkhard Schulze Darup
Deputy Chairman of the Commission for Sustainable Building (KNB) at the Federal Environment Agency

Michael Stötzer
Mayor of the City of Chemnitz and representatives of the municipal umbrella organisations
(German Association of Cities, German Association of Counties and German Association of Towns and Municipalities)

Dr. Melanie Weber-Moritz
Federal Director of the German Tenants’ Association (Deutscher Mieterbund e.V.)

8 Erweiterung Werk 2 BA 4
Wooden construction, daylighting, shed roofs, photovoltaic system, heat pump - many elements of the new building convinced the top-class jury of the Bau

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