For industrial companies, it is a challenge to be climate-neutral and to keep the ecological footprint low, despite using large amounts of energy. It is all the more gratifying that competition is increasing at events of this kind – after all, all companies win together when emissions are reduced. Given its climate-neutral production since 2010, medium-sized company elobau has been a pioneer in this field. On 1 and 2 September, two juries independently honored this way of doing business.
Lean & Green Management Award 2021
The Lean & Green Award, sponsored by T&O Unternehmensberatung, honours companies for appropriately managing resources. Both the use of lean methods and environmental compatibility aspects are considered. For this purpose, 250 companies from 10 countries and 20 sectors were audited by a jury and then evaluated. “We are gradually introducing lean production. That’s why we wanted to take the opportunity to measure ourselves against other industry players. We were surprised and delighted to have received the special prize for our “Green” measures,” says logistics manager and lean coordinator Matthias Gromer. The jury awarded this special prize, as elobau performs excellently in the “Green” area. The award ceremony took place as part of the Green Shift Conference in Berlin as a hybrid event, so that the Lean Team from elobau received the award with great pleasure via video transmission.

SIA Award – Sustainable Impact Award
The SIA Award is presented by WirtschaftsWoche and Generali. Just a few weeks ago, elobau received the news that it was one of the four finalists in the “Impact on Earth” category. The award recognizes medium-sized companies that have developed holistic and innovative solutions for sustainable business.
At the award ceremony on 2 September, elobau was chosen as the winner, together with Africa GreenTec. Michael Hetzer, founder of the elobau Foundation and sparring partner of the sustainability division, accepted the award in person on site. “As a company we consider ourselves to be responsible to both people and the environment. We already undertook measures in 2010 to become climate-neutral. We did not do this to win prizes, but to make a positive contribution to climate change. The fact that this prize gives us the opportunity to present our path in more detail makes us very proud and helps us to get closer to our vision of “We make the world a more sustainable place”, explains Michael Hetzer.

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