As a manufacturer of control elements for the off-highway sector, elobau is of course very interested in this exciting topic. For this reason, elobau has teamed up with the Kempten University of Applied Sciences and initiated a project as part of the “Technical Innovation and Product Management” course: Four students are working in close coordination with elobau for one year on the question of how the interface between man and machine in the operation of tractors will change by 2045. The focus here is on monitored autonomous tractors with the central question: How will monitored autonomous tractors be operated in 2045?
In order to find answers to these questions, the students hold discussions with experts from practice, trade and industry, among others. The aim of the study is to draw up scenarios and work out scenarios of what tractors could look like in 2045, how they work and who uses them and how. Based on these results, the students will derive needs for the human-machine interface and in turn develop recommendations for the design of the elobau product portfolio for control elements in 2045. They will be supervised by Timo Schempp, Head of Advance Development at elobau, and Fabian Pfeiffer, Strategic Product Manager Off-Highway.
elobau is pleased about the successful cooperation with Kempten University of Applied Sciences and is looking forward to the results of the study.

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